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1) Zizheng J, Lin D, Jin P, Tingting S. Leveraging Concept-Enhanced Pre-Training Model and Masked-Entity Language Model for Named Entity Disambiguation. IEEE ACCESS 2994247 2020. SCI 3.244.

2) Zizheng J, Zhengchao L, Tingting S, Jing Z. Joint Representations of Knowledge Graphs and Textual Information via Reference Sentences. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems Vol.E103-D, No.6,1362-1370 2020 SCI 0.213

3) Huaping Zhang, Asif Khan, Arshad Ahmad, Rashid Naseem, Lin Dai. A Silver Standard Biomedical Corpus for Arabic Language Complexity Article ID 8896659, p7,vol. 2020 Nada Boudjellal, 2020 SCI 2.462.

4) Asif Khan, Huaping Zhang*(Corresponding Author), Jianyun Shang, Nada Boudjellal, Arshad Ahmad, Asmat Ali, Lin Dai. Predicting Politician’s Supporters’Network on Twitter Using Social Network Analysis and Semantic Analysis Scientific Programming, vol. 2020, Article ID 9353120, 17 pages, 2020. 2020 SCI 0.963.

5) Dai L, Tian M, Wu J, Xiao J, Wang X, Townsend JP, Zhang Z. AuthorReward: increasing community curation in biological knowledge wikis through automated authorship quantification. Bioinformatics, Oxford University  Press. 2013 Jul 15;29(14):1837-9.(SCI6.0)

6) Lin Dai, Chao Xu,Ming Tian,Jian Sang, Dong Zou, Ang Li, Guocheng Liu, Fei Chen, Jiayan Wu, Jingfa Xiao, Xumin Wang, Jun Yu, Zhang Zhang. Community Intelligence in Knowledge Curation: An Application to Managing Scientific Nomenclature.  PLOS ONE.  8(2):e56961.February 25, 2013.  (SCI .092 ) http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/ journal.pone.0056961

7) Lin Dai, Xin Gao, Yan Guo, Jingfa Xiao and Zhang Zhang, Bioinformatics clouds for big data manipulation, Biology Direct. 7:43. 28 November 2012   (SCI 4.02) http://www.biology-direct.com/content/7/1/43

8) Zhang Zhang, Jingfa Xiao, Jiayan Wu, Haiyan Zhang, Guiming Liu, Xumin Wang, *Lin Dai. ParaAT: A parallel tool for constructing multiple protein-coding DNA alignments. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.02.101.  (SCI)

9) Lin Dai, Shiyong Jin, Longjun Song, & Shouchen Sun. A framework for cloud database security. International Conference on Future Computer and Information Technology (ICFCIT 2013). 2013.

10) Ying Zhang, Luo Si, Xiaojun Quan, Yi Fang, Lin Dai, Xiaojie Yuan. Emotion tagging for comments of online news by meta classification with heterogeneous information sources, ACM SIGIR 2012.1059-1060

11) Yue Liu, *Lin Dai,  Heyan Huang. Active Learning for Cross Language Text Categorization, PAKDD. 2012.6. Malaysia. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7301, 2012, pp 195-20

12) LIN DAI, Weitao Zhou, HEYAN HUANG. A Computer Aided Approach for Enriching WordNet with Semantic Definition. Global WordNet Conference (gwc2012).  2011.1.9-13, Japan. 86-94

13)  LIN DAI, HEYAN HUANG. An English-Chinese Cross-lingual Word Semantic Similarity Measure Exploring Attributes and Relations. PACLIC 25.2011. 467-476.

14) Lin Dai, An Integrated Probabilistic Text Clustering Model with Segment-based and Word Order Evidence. 11.29. 2011-12.1.2012, ICIPM2011.


1) 校企联合项目,数据安全核心技术与产业化推广

2) 国家电网大数据中心,统计同态加密技术研究

3) 教育部-中国移动联合基金:大数据安全关键技术研究

4) 包括国家自然科学基金项目“跨语言文本分类关键技术研究”

5) 某部级项目 “民族语言信息检索”

6) 国家自然科学基金重点项目“基于本体的多策略民汉机器翻译研究”

7) 973项目“互联网环境中文言语信息处理与深度计算的基础理论和方法”

8) 国家信息中心数据安全项目

9) 国家税务总局数据安全项目



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