博士期间获得中国科学院计算技术研究所所长特别奖和优秀奖。其博士论文“荧光显微图像中活细胞超分辨成像技术研究”获得中国科学院百篇优秀博士学位论文。代表性论著发表在国际顶级期刊Nature Methods、Cell Research、Protein & Cell、Bioinformatics、Biomedical Optics Express等,并应用其研究在生物学方面做出了新的科学发现,产生了重要的影响。
徐帆团队长期招收博士生和硕士生,招聘博士后和青年教师(常年有效)。请联系xufan at bit.edu.cn
(1)Shan Gao#; Fan Xu#; Hongjia Li; Fudong Xue; Mingshu Zhang*; Pingyong Xu*; Fa Zhang*; DETECTOR: structural information guided artifact detection for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy image, Biomedical Optics Express, 2021, 12(9): 5751-5769. #Co-first authors.
(2)Fan Xu#, Donghan Ma#, Kathryn P MacPherson,Sheng Liu, Ye Bu, Yu Wang, Yu Tang, Cheng Bi, Tim Kwok, Alexander A Chubykin, Peng Yin, Sarah Calve*, Gary E Landreth*, Fang Huang*,Three dimensional nanoscopy of whole cells and tissues with in situ point spread function retrieval, Nature Methods, 2020, 17(5), 531-540.#Co-first authors.
(3)Hongjia Li#, Fan Xu#, Shan Gao, Mingshu Zhang, Fudong Xue, Pingyong Xu*, Fa Zhang*,Live-SIMBA: an ImageJ plug-in for the universal and accelerated single molecule-guided Bayesian localization super resolution microscopy (SIMBA) method, Biomedical Optics Express, 2020, 11(10), 5842-5859. #Co-first authors.
(4)Sha An#, Karl Ferdinand Ziegler#, Peiyi Zhang, Yu Wang, Tim Kwok, Fan Xu, Cheng Bi, Sandro Matosevic, Peng Yin, Tongcang Li*, Fang Huang*, Axial plane single-molecule super-resolution microscopy of whole cells, Biomedical Optics Express, 2020, 11(1), 461-479, 2020.
(5)Mingshu Zhang#, Zhifei Fu#, Changqing Li#, Anyuan Liu, Dingming Peng, Fudong Xue, Wenting He, Shan Gao, Fan Xu, Dan Xu, Ling Yuan, Fa Zhang, Zhiheng Xu, Tao Xu*, Pingyong Xu*, Fast super-resolution imaging technique and immediate early nanostructure capturing by a photoconvertible fluorescent protein,Nano Letter, 2019, 20(4), 2197-2208.
(6)Yu Li#, Fan Xu#, Fa Zhang, Pingyong Xu, Mingshu Zhang, Ming Fan, Lihua Li, Xin Gao*, Renmin Han*,DLBI: deep learning guided Bayesian inference for structure reconstruction of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, Bioinformatics, 2018, 34(13), 284-294. #Co-first authors.
(7)Fudong Xue, Wenting He, Fan Xu, Mingshu Zhang, Liangyi Chen, Pingyong Xu,Hessian single-molecule localization microscopy using sCMOS camera, Biophysics Reports, 2018, 4(4), 215-221.
(8)Fan Xu#, Mingshu Zhang#, Wenting He, Renmin Han, Fudong Xue, Zhiyong Liu, Fa Zhang*, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz*, Pingyong Xu*,Live cell single molecule-guided Bayesian localization super resolution microscopy, Cell Research, 2017, 27(5), 713-716, (highlighted in Nature Methods). #Co-first authors.
(9)Fan Xu, Mingshu Zhang, Zhiyong Liu, Pingyong Xu*, Fa Zhang*,Bayesian localization microscopy based on intensity distribution of fluorophores, Protein & cell, 2015, 6(3), 211-220.
(10)Renmin Han, Liansan Wang, Fan Xu, Yongdeng Zhang, Mingshu Zhang, Zhiyong Liu, Fei Ren*, Fa Zhang*,Drift correction for singlemolecule imaging by molecular constraint field, a distance minimum metric, BMC Biophysics,2015,8(1), 1.
(11)Gongming Wang*, Fan Xu,Precise improvement of ISAF reconstruction algorithm based on the computational radius of density function,Bio-medical materials and engineering, 2014, 24(6), 3787-3795.
(12)Fan Xu, Fa Zhang, Xiang Chen, Zhiyong Liu, A siRNA prediction method combining sequence and secondary,International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA2013), North Carolina, U.S., May 2013.
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担任Journal of the American Chemical Society、Optics Express、Biomedical Optics Express、Optics Letters、Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics、BMC Bioinformatics等国际期刊审稿人。